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The Correlation between Shoulder instability, pain and 5th Cervical Nerve Irritation

Relationship of 5th Cervical Nerve Irritation with Shoulder pain and instability

There is a direct correlation between the health and function, of the 5th Cervical nerve, and the instability/pain of the shoulder. Almost all of the muscles that stabilize the shoulder are innervated by the 5th Cervical nerve.

 The Early Stages of Shoulder Instability and Pain

For the muscles of the shoulder to be functioning at 100%, they must have 100% nerve flow. Almost all the nerve supply of the shoulder muscles, come from the 5th Cervical nerve. If there is interference of the 5th Cervical nerve root, then weakness will begin in the shoulder muscles. In the beginning, the weakness may seem subtle, but it may create loss of muscle tone. This loss of muscle tone may create a lengthening of the muscles, allowing the shoulder joint to be loose. This lack of stability allows for strains and sprains to occur. As stability of the shoulder decreases, inflammation and weakness increase. The stage is now set for major injury to occur. As the muscle continues to weaken and inflammation continues to increase, pain begins without a noticeable injury.

The patient may just wake up one day to find they have shoulder pain.

The Key to Regaining Shoulder Stability and Reducing Pain

Before any rehab is started on the shoulder, it is important to check the function of the 5th Cervical nerve. Dr. Fred Schofield, at Atlas Chiropractic in Northwest Phoenix, has helped many Professional and Amateur athletes with shoulder instability and pain. He has over 25 years of experience in evaluation and correction of the 5th Cervical nerve function. Once the 5th Cervical nerve is functioning at 100%, stability exercises may begin.

Call Atlas Chiropractic Today for a Nerve Function Evaluation

You may call Atlas Chiropractic today at 602-938-8868 or log on to to learn more.